WDW Financial

Antidote To Fear

Antidote To Fear

You may not know that I struggle with anxiety sometimes.  I’m learning practices to cope; to retrain my brain and to develop new habits.  One of those habits is cultivating a spirit of thanksgiving and I’m trying to incorporate a daily (or even more frequent) routine to awaken my gratefulness.

As we all take in the crazy events of the world these times, I would be honored if you would join me in this practice: 

1.  Pause.  Disconnect.  Turn off your phone.  Find a quiet place.  Be still for a few minutes.
2.  Journal three or more things/people/circumstances you are thankful for.
3.  Write down why you are thankful for each and how they make you feel.
4.  If appropriate, share your thoughts with someone.

Today, one of the things I wrote down is that I’m thankful for a daughter that talks to me and calls to check on me in times like this.  Oh, how far we’ve come from those teenage years.

May this small practice be an antidote for the fear that is so overwhelming our communities right now.   I would love to hear from you if this is meaningful to you or if you have other positive thoughts or practices to share.

Please know we are grateful for you and your continued trust and confidence in us.

Picture of David J. Duggar

David J. Duggar

David graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with his Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Accounting. David spent four years with the accounting firm of PwC prior to joining the firm in 2000. David and his wife, Shannon, have a daughter and a son. David spends his free time enjoying travel, the outdoors and live music.