WDW Financial

Have You Gotten Tested?

mask, plant and bottle on a table

Have You Gotten Tested? Have you gotten tested? That’s a question I didn’t expect to hear in 2020. As we wade through this pandemic that has swept across the globe, we’re dealing with something that bothers me. I imagine it’s bothered generations before me. That is the unknown. Sometimes the unknown can spur wonder—like when […]

May We Remember

office workers wearing masks

May We Remember May We Remember As I am sitting in my bedroom….I mean, my office, I’m reflecting on our new “normal.” My oldest is doing college online from the dining room table.  My middle daughter was sent home from her Americorps service year in California.  And my youngest daughter attends her Zoom class meetings […]

Antidote To Fear

woman in deep thought sitting on stairs

Antidote To Fear Antidote To Fear You may not know that I struggle with anxiety sometimes.  I’m learning practices to cope; to retrain my brain and to develop new habits.  One of those habits is cultivating a spirit of thanksgiving and I’m trying to incorporate a daily (or even more frequent) routine to awaken my […]


guatemala team photo

Guatemala In January I traveled to Guatemala with a team of Buckner volunteers and President/CEO Dr. Albert Reyes. The school year begins for Guatemalan students in January, so each year a group goes to provide backpacks, school supplies and a new pair of shoes for children in need.   As a Board member, I knew that […]

Why Do We Need Professional Help?

man's hands at a computer

Why Do We Need Professional Help? When I was in high school and college, I was fortunate to work for a patient home remodeler who taught me everything I know about repairing and maintaining a home. We built everything from decks to rooms over the garage and painted more houses than I can count.  You […]

Does The Tortoise Actually Win?

large turtle crawling on grass

Does The Tortoise Actually Win? Surely, you’ve heard the story of the tortoise and the hare. The beloved life lesson yielding story of the over-confident rabbit and the humble turtle.  Spoiler alert:  The humble turtle wins.  Surely, this is can’t be a real-life story.  Everyone knows a rabbit is faster than a turtle.  How in […]

Celebrating 50 Years

cheers with three wine glasses

Celebrating 50 Years Growing up like most kids, I had no idea what my dad did for a living. I just knew my mom would put yesterday’s biscuits in the toaster and hand them to him in a paper towel on his way out the door.  He would then magically appear that evening at soccer […]

Giving Appreciated Shares

hands in a circle touching

Giving Appreciated Shares Giving Appreciated Shares My wife was born on the 4th of July. It’s a big day of celebrations and traditions that are important to my family. I love our country and I love Uncle Sam, but one of my favorite things is helping clients find ways to keep him out of their […]

Western States Endurance Run

man running on a hiking trail

Western States Endurance Run Western States Endurance Run As several of our clients know, I was very fortunate to recently run the Western States Endurance Run, which covers 100 miles on the trails from Squaw Valley Olympic Village to Auburn, CA. This is the oldest and most storied ultramarathon in the country and perhaps the […]

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